BOB ASSISTANT is the winner of the défi Eau de Paris in the “free challenge” category, which must meet the new challenges of Eau de Paris:
- Modernizing customer relations ;
- Optimizing the industrial tool ;
- Accelerating the ecological transition and strengthening links with the territories ;
- Modernizing the organization.
EAP is the leading public water company in France and delivers drinking water every day to 3 million users. Collection, treatment, distribution, customer relations: Eau de Paris’ 900 employees are involved in every stage of the water cycle for an ever more efficient and innovative public service. Committed to protecting water, biodiversity and the climate, Eau de Paris manages its resources and assets sustainably, in collaboration with local partners.
Initially, 2 experiments will be carried out in parallel:
- Monitoring of particularly critical equipment,
- Monitoring of ultrafiltration membranes.

“BOB Assistant is a highly innovative and efficient predictive maintenance service that will help Eau de Paris to monitor and maintain its equipment. We are taking advantage of the experiments of this challenge to make BOB evolve and adapt it to the use of equipment such as ultrafiltration membranes or generators”
Maxime EUVRARD, Key account manager at EOLANE.